Requests to be carried out by J.R. Najera
I declare before God that I am innocent of the crimes that I am accused of. I am
in the hands of God and of the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe. Tell this to my
Superiors and ask them to pray to God for my soul. I bid farewell to my family,
friends, parishioners of Iguala, and I send all of you my blessing.
To Antonio U. Aranda, tell him to pay when he can, the five hundred pesos that I
owe for my tithe.
To Jose U. Garcia, in my old notebook some Masses that I have to say are listed.
Those that are not crossed out, please have them said when you can.
Tell my godson, Rodolfo Ortiz, to deliver $50 pesos to Fr Ausencio Téllez, he
lent it to me.
Cuernavaca, 11th of April, Holy Monday 1927
Fr. David Uribe
P.S. Have Antonio Aranda pick up my books and all my
belongings, my vestments and typewriter at the house of the García sisters. I
forgive all my enemies, and I ask God and who-ever I have offended to forgive
me. David
Note: Taken from the original document written by David Uribe Velasco on the eve
of his martyrdom.